Compliance House
While most companies focus on avoiding the consequences and fines of non-compliance through an effective compliance program and compliance function, the importance and benefits of compliance training are often unjustly overlooked. After all, only drafting a compliance program and setting up a compliance function is not enough. Employees and directors of the company must actually comply with the laws and regulations that apply to the company.Curious about how your company is doing in the context of compliance and what Compliance House can do for you?
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To ensure compliance, employees must have knowledge and be aware of specific issues, policies or regulations that apply to and within the company. Compliance House ensures that this knowledge and awareness is imparted to your employees through compliance training. After all, compliance training not only enables employees to behave with integrity and to recognize when a situation or behaviour conflicts, but also to act confidently in any relevant situation that could jeopardize their work, safety or well-being. Moreover, compliance training is a means to protect the organization and its reputation in the event of an incident. In view of the above, it is therefore important for a company to also focus on compliance training.
At Compliance House we understand that doing business is hard work and that there are other things on your agenda above compliance.
Compliance house
That is why Compliance House ensures that your company is compliant with all applicable laws and regulations not only on paper, but also in practice. Therefore, Compliance House also provides your company with in-house courses and training in the context of compliance, so that the relevant laws and regulations within your company is actually being complied with.
Compliance House provides the following courses and training courses for your company:

  • Healthcare compliance

  • AVG compliance

  • WWFT for lawyers

  • WWFT for accountants

  • Compliance in the financial sector

  • The Compliance Officer

  • WWFT for notaries

  • WWFT for brokers

Are you interested in one of the courses and trainings above or do you have other questions about our services? Then contact the Compliance House specialists.Curious about how your company is doing in the context of compliance and what Compliance House can do for you?
Please contact our specialists

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